Events & Announcements

The following events are currently taking place around the Vignette and Anecdote Research Network:


New member of the VignA core team

Good news to start the new year

The VignA coordination and management team is delighted to welcome its newest member Stephanie Mian!

She has already worked on the FWF project 'Personal educational processes in heterogenous groups' under the direction of Michael Schratz and also used them in her dissertation, in which she investigated phenomena of engagement (ger: 'Sich-Einlassen'). In her current research, she is using the vignettes in the STEPS project.

The VignA core team is looking forward to the new collaboration!


VignA-Symposium Call for Proposals

24.-25.4.2025 - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

In spring 2025 the next symposium of the Vignette and Anekdote Research Network will take place. The event titled: "Teacher-student interactions. Methodological explorations" (Lehrer*innen-Schüler*innen-Interaktionen. Methodologische und methodische Erkundungen) is organized in cooperation with the AG Kasuistik in der Lehrer*innenbildung and will be held at the University of Music and Performing Arts.Call for Applications for workshop contributions is open until 16th of February 2025! Submissions should be please directed to Tanja Obex ( find more details for the symposium following this link.

The organizers are looking forward to your registration!



Vignette Research Doctoral Studies

Recently two further vignette research doctoral studies have been completed at University of Pretoria.

Dr. Rosa Modiba and Dr. Ingrid du Plessis graduated on May 6th, congratulations on these beautiful qualification works!
The links to the graduation ceremony, which offer insight into the researches conducted can be accessed here:

Dr. Rosa Modiba: YouTube

Dr. Ingrid du Plessis: YouTube


VISA – Vignette Research in South Africa Network

For information about the network please see our VISA website.

Researchers and postgraduate students who are interested in VISA-Network membership may enrol here: VISA Network.


International Vignette Research Conference (IVRC)

Monthly virtual meeting
Every second Monday of the Month, starting with March 8, 2021, 12:00-13:20
Link to participate
 (No registration needed)





Past events of the network see in the navigation on the right hand side under the bullet past events.


Images: © Tobias Loemke (2024)

New review of a vignette-publication

Of the publication 

a new review has been published on the website An abridged version is to be found on the website of Barbara Budrich Verlag. Read the review here: