Teacher training college - KPH Edith Stein

The possibility of recording the learning experiences of schoolchildren and students in real life presents researchers with new challenges time and again. If learning is the "devotion to things as they appear under certain conditions" (Meyer-Drawe, 2010, p. 12) or is "receptivity to others or [to] the other" (ibid., p. 6), then it is important to sensitively trace these physical experiences.

Through research on vignettes and anecdotes, a useful set of instruments has been developed that enables the experience of the researchers to be recorded and reproduced in the learning experience of students. 

In this context, vignettes and readings at the Teacher Training College Edith Stein are repeatedly used in practical research starting in the second semester of primary school and implemented as research tools. This empirical, experience-guided pedagogical-scientific basic research is a particularly well suited instrument in school practical studies. In addition, working with vignettes and anecdotes has been a central component of teacher training for secondary school teachers at Verbund West from the very beginning. 

Josef Vögele was a fellow researcher from the very beginning at the University of Innsbruck in Group I of the (FWF) funded research project "Personal Educational Processes in Heterogeneous Groups", which was headed by Michael Schratz. He heads the research project at the Kirchlich Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein. 




Meyer-Drawe, K. (2010). Zur Erfahrung des Lernens. Eine phänomenologische Skizze. Filosofija, 18(3), 6-17.