New review of a vignette-publication

Of the publication 

a new review has been published on the website An abridged version is to be found on the website of Barbara Budrich Verlag. Read the review here:

Events & Announcements

The following events are currently taking place around the Vignette and Anecdote Research Network:

VignA South Africa Symposium - Call for Abstracts Hybrid Presentation

The international Symposium of the VignA-Network on the topic: ‘Crafting transnational dialogical spaces in the Global North and the Global South’ is taking place on 24th to 25th October 2024 at University of Pretoria, South Africa.


We are pleased to announce that abstracts for in-person presentation have closed, but submissions to present in hybrid format are now open!

-> Up-to-date CfP

Sign up and submit your abstract here by signing up on the Symposium webpage. 

Deadline for submission: 23.8.2024

Please find submission details here


Link to registration for the symposium - registration is still open until 24th of September 2024.

For further details about the event, speakers, programme and more, please visit the Symposium webpage: VignA Symposium South Africa.


Phenomenological research colloquium in Vienna 4th to 5th of October 2024, Vienna, Centre for Teacher Education

This fall a research colloquium on the title "Lebenswelt: Bezüge, Forschungszugänge, empirische Materialien" is taking place, welcoming Ursula Stinkes in Vienna. Presenting language will be German.

If you wish to participate at the colloquium and/or the dinner together, please register (bindingly) until 8th of september with Theresia Pantzer at the following mail-address:

Venue: Centre for Teacher Education of the University Vienna, Porzellangasse 4, 1090 Vienna

For further information about the time table, dinner & keynotes to be held, please have a look into the program.

-> Program (in German)


Vignette Research Doctoral Studies

Recently two further vignette research doctoral studies have been completed at University of Pretoria.

Dr. Rosa Modiba and Dr. Ingrid du Plessis graduated on May 6th, congratulations on these beautiful qualification works!
The links to the graduation ceremony, which offer insight into the researches conducted can be accessed here:

Dr. Rosa Modiba: YouTube

Dr. Ingrid du Plessis: YouTube


Save-the-date VignA South Africa


24-25 October 2024, University of Pretoria

International Symposium of the Network of Vignette and Anecdote Research entitled: 'Crafting transnational dialogical spaces in the Global North and the Global South.'

Event poster 


VISA – Vignette Research in South Africa Network

Researchers and postgraduate students who are interested in VISA-Network membership may enrol here: VISA Network.


International Vignette Research Conference (IVRC)

Monthly virtual meeting
Every second Monday of the Month, starting with March 8, 2021, 12:00-13:20
Link to participate
 (No registration needed)




Past events of the network see in the navigation on the right hand side under the bullet past events.



Images: © Tobias Loemke (2024)